



08-01-2013, 09:59 AM

The demoness watched the other woman with amusement. In those purple eyes Canttina saw caution, she was uncertain. Canttina stared into her violet orbs without any emotion. She rolled her shoulders and snorted. Why would someone be cautious of little ol' Canttina? She couldn't keep a straight face and began to laugh out loud. She flopped down onto the ground, engulfed by snow. She continued to laugh like a Hyena. Who would be cautious of a cannibalistic mad woman? She laughed even more, her muzzle got a good licking before she got up. Bits of dried blood and snow danced across her fur. A big blob of the white powder rested on the top of her head.

She tilted her head and stared at the woman. Words entered Canttina's ears. Oh how polite. She rolled her eyes and yawned. "I hate formalities. Why are you so polite to a woman you don't care about?" She giggled some more, her eyes danced across the plains of snow before they flicked back to the violet orbs. More of those delightful tones filled her ears. "I heard of a pack with new leadership. A woman took charge. Not the snowy pack, but the one located within the grasslands. I wish to seek entry. I plan on meeting the Lady in charge soon. After I .. take care of a few things..." She giggled some more, she seemed to be a bit more off today then usual. The woman kneaded the pallet of snow under her with her paws idly. "Why is a delightful little dove like yourself here in this horrid weather?"

Table by Pann, Image by Jolee