
The games you play




6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-06-2021, 11:18 PM
Keetie stretched like a cat, flexing out her limbs and drawing her elongated claws from their sheaths. One paw waved in the open air, the other lay tucked beneath a delightful sooty leg, and her claws scraped lightly against his thick fur without drawing blood. She had done enough of that already.

She was slower to open her eyes, arching her chest further into him and his warmth before slowly blinking back her dual-toned eyes and meeting the hazy green mist of her companions.

She got only a short look into those sleepy eyes before he nuzzled his nose into her crown, and back behind her eyes. Her faux antlers had come undone at some point in their wrestling. Had that been him, or her? She couldn’t remember. A glance told her they rested beside them in the grass, Spice wound about them like a snake as she slept.

Her eyes moved back to Ruga as he tugged gently at her ear, and she offered a slow flowering smile. He had risen to her challenge, and given his all. Without hesitation, holding nothing back. She liked a man that could challenge her. She leaned forward and licked the fur beneath his muzzle. Caressing his coat backwards as she dragged it up to the edges of his lips. She swiped along the base of his muzzle once, and then stopped, teasing him. Her eyes laughed at him before she suddenly rolled away, clearing some space as she stretched. Leaving him hanging. Of course, he should be rather satisfied after their active night. He was a man of stamina.

“Mmmm, Good morning handsome. I do believe this Valley agrees with me. Ahhh, but if only I had a bit of duck for my breakfast.”
