
all that your love can bring



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-07-2021, 01:23 AM

He smiled proudly at his gentle man as he determinedly said that he could do it, that they didn't have to change anything for him. He knew that all of this was far beyond his comfort zone and to an extent it was beyond his as well, but he was probably more used to the pomp and circumstance of his family than Void would be. Still, he was proud of Void for rising to the challenge and following through with the grand plans as they were. He left a gentle kiss on his fiancé's lips and assured him, "If you change your mind, please tell me. This is our day. It should be what we both want. I just want you so as long as I get that then all my dreams will come true."

A grin pulled at his lips when Void agreed that he wanted to see what Plague had been working on, flattered by his lover's complement. He returned that longing kiss with one of his own before he gently untangled himself form Void's embrace, getting to his paws and helping Void do the same. "Come in then, handsome." He picked up the rolls of fabric that he had tossed aside in his haste to embrace his star spangled man and slipped into their den, leading Void into the slightly shadowed space that was currently littered with bits of fabrics and leathers and pieces of metal and even some woven branches and vines that he had been working with as he considered how he might distinguish where they would stand during the ceremony. "I'm sorry for the mess," he apologized with a guilty grin before ducking into their bedroom to grab the outfit that was still very much a work in progress.

Bringing it back out to Void, he showed the Destruction man the soft piece of leather that was shaped a bit like a cape that would shape around his back and had a piece that would wrap around his neck and come to a point on his chest with a silver clasp. The leather was soft and flexible. This wasn't armor so he didn't feel the need to harden or reinforce it at all. He draped it around Void's shoulders and came around to clasp it at the base of Void's neck, sneaking in a kiss when he did so with a grin. "So what I was thinking," he explained as he went around the main chamber of the den picking up a few bits and pieces, "was that I would drape some fabric here and here and swag it around the back like this. I found some silver beads so after I attach the fabric at the points here I'll cover up the stitches with those. And this piece I'll keep long enough to wrap around your neck like a scarf."

As he explained he began experimenting and draping the fabric around Void's form, grinning happily as his vision began to start coming to life in front of his eyes. As he expected, it was far easier to do all of this with Void here acting almost like a mannequin but it was also more fun just to share this moment with the man he loved than it was to do all of this on his own. "Oh, I also made these," he added when he reached for one of the two silver medallions that were sitting off to the side. They were thin enough that they wouldn't be too heavy to attach easily but large enough that they could pretty easily be seen from a distance. They had his - their - sigil etched carefully into the metal, the same one that was carved into the wood over their bed. "I thought these would be nice on the shoulder here and it could hold back the piece of cloth from the scarf portion once everything is on."

He smiled brightly at his fiancé, his emerald eyes curious as he asked, "What do you think? Anything you would change?"

Plague Abraxas-Destruction