
Time to set the tone

Hallows diplomacy meeting



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8 Years
Dire wolf

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06-07-2021, 08:26 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2021, 08:34 AM by Hanzō. Edited 1 time in total.)

Hattori wasn't called for, per se, but as the Shogun of Ashen he made minding its borders his business. He moved at a gentle lope, his large paws thudding against the earth as he passed through the pale trees. There was a marked change of temperature, it was slowly but surely getting warmer, more akin to true summer than early spring. The thawing of snow was a welcome change, giving the world a little more colour as Hattori breathed in the scents that wafted on the breeze. He recognised the smell of Hallows wolves and his brows drew a little tight on his forehead. From the nature of the call it seemed to be a diplomatic affair, but his mind drifted to the Hallows wolf he'd buried just off the Gulley, facing the sea. Perhaps he ought to have returned his body to Hallows, it would have been the just thing to do, but circumstances at the time were not favourable. Nor was the weather. Though if nothing Hattori would tell them and show them the grave, if that was what they wanted.

He slowed to a walk as he approached the group. His wife was already present, as was his daughter, Ikigai. Punctual and dutiful as always. She wasn't cut from the same cloth as the other children, and that suited the Shogun just fine. She excelled in many other ways, and her passion for their culture and manners pleased him far more than he'd care to show. Out of all his children, she flourished the most in these sorts of affairs. She'd make a fine diplomat for sure.

He dipped his head in greeting but hung back a little, a step or two behind/beside Venom. He recognised the wolves from the raid and recalled how they'd fought well, how after the clash and clamour of the mock-raid they'd welcomed the Ashen wolves as guests. Polite and fair but not overly schmoozy, a fact Hattori no doubt appreciated more than most.

"And I am Hattori, Shogun of Ashen. "
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