
Let Me Sing My Song



08-01-2013, 12:01 PM

Her form moved with a certain elegance that could not be missed. Each pawstep was silent and soft. Her light pink orbs were bright in the beaming sunlight. Her lush tail swayed upon her rear idly. Her light pink tongue flicked in her mouth to make a clicking noise. She moved along the shore of the water without any real care. Her cream fur flicked in the light breeze. The woman was glad she found such a beautiful place. The gleaming water and rushing falls. The sun was going down. She could not wait to see the moon herself. The temptress was a religious one at that. The creamy girl loved the moon Goddess. The worshipped the Goddess unlike many.

She stared into the sky before she returned her attention to the clear pool before her. A slight smile danced across her lovely lips as she padded in. Her paw was engulfed by cool water and she shivered a bit. Though, the woman was use to the cold for she lived in the north. She found a home in Glaciem and enjoyed it. Her King was a whore and so were his girls. Each one wanted his worm and power. Though she just wanted his worm. She backed up, out of the water and sighed. The sun danced away and darkness began to sink the world into its deep shadows. She waited to see her Goddess and whomever would visit Arthfael that night.

Hear me out, Im a believe, let me consume you