
take your dad to work day

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-07-2021, 02:55 PM
Rhyme was trying to remember a time when he did enjoy the snow, the older he got the more bitter he felt towards it all. His joints stiffened and ached with the cold and getting out of the warm bed and leaving Samara was so much harder. Mostly he could ignore his longer years, like his parents he wasn’t about to go quietly into the night. He’d hold on as long as he could, his children and now grandchildren deserved it out of him. He had bad days, but he still took to his duties each day. They kept him young, along with training up the next generation. The old man trotted along at Theory’s side, always amazed at the woman she had become. Pride was a sin, but he felt it to bursting for his alpha daughter, and he knew that if Shaye could see her she would feel the same way. She had done well to choose his daughter as her heir. At times to Theory’s detriment, unfortunately, but she turned into an incredible leader.

Rhyme was forced to halt when Theo suddenly stopped, mumbling something as her gaze fixed on the horizon. While she saw her brother Rhyme saw a ghost. For just a fleeting moment he saw that woman from years ago now. He’d never learned her name, but the both of them had been eager to find solace in a stranger’s arms. Had that night led to something more than a good time? Rhyme’s heart dropped but he stood stoically next to Theory as she called out curiously. With the both of them feeling their suspicions flare his deniability crumbled.