
I Am Strong Enough




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
06-07-2021, 03:55 PM

As Duchess attempted to mimic her movements and followed along with her lesson, Emersyn would nod approvingly when the smaller girl got the basics down right. "Yes, exactly. You're doing great,"she reassured the young woman, a ghost of a smile just barely noticeable on the corners of her lips while they practiced together. Duchess' movements seemed a little too forced, too rehearsed, but she was new to this and it was to be expected. The more she practiced, the more natural it would feel. Em was reminded of when she had started off in the coliseum, being beaten through the grueling training grounds to get things right. At least Duchess wouldn't have to worry about being hit or whipped if she got something wrong.

The deadpan words of appreciation made her ears flick, but she nodded all the same. Appreciation and gratitude were still not things the larger dusty fae was used to, but she could pretend like she knew what to do with them. "It's the least I could do for putting Indigo in the hospital," she remarked, trying to not let the guilt creep up on her again—or at least to not show it in her expression. "Everyone should know the basics of how to protect themselves, at least. Even if you aren't the one starting a fight, you should have the means to make sure nobody can hurt you or take advantage of you." Boy, that was rich coming from her. The former slave fighter giving advice on how not to be taken advantage of. Laughable.

"So how did you end up in Indigo's little purple wolf club?" she asked while she instructed Duchess to repeat the same motions again, but this time on her own so she could get used to the movements and find what felt most natural and comfortable for her.
