
Let Me Sing My Song

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-01-2013, 12:36 PM

silence would reign over the black-furred boy as he sauntered about, no set destination in mind. any semblance of normalcy that his life had once held had all but dissipated; his father had been slain, and he hadn't been able to find his mother or siblings for weeks now. he had initially felt pure disdain for his mother, for she had failed to protect their family, and such was her duty. but slowly this feeling had subsiding, giving way to something akin to rage. anger, directed at no one in particular, had begun to eat away at his very being, condemning the boy to a fate that he had subconsciously tried to avoid. any bit of innocence that the over-sized boy had left had fled from him; it was quite sad, really, for a boy so young to be so bitter, to detest the very sound of his own footsteps -- and yet such was his fate.

step by step, he retreated further from the landscape he knew, letting the unfamiliar territory take hold of him. his head was bent low to the earth, though his nostrils were motionless. basilisk was tracking no scent, oblivious as to whether other creatures lingered her. he did not care, regardless -- there was so very little he cared for anymore. he longed for his life that had been so viciously taken from him, and yet he felt as though he was becoming even more free as he wandered further into the darkness of night. he knew naught of fear; he felt nothing at all he gazed up at the moon, casting its white rays of light down on the earth. his temper would be his downfall, and for once he was able to control his rage, locking it inside his chest, where it was destined to stay until he willed to be released.

the sound of crashing water finally reached his ears, and they twitched suddenly, as though irritated. perhaps he ought to wash himself? no; it didn't matter. with a sigh he crept forward, before the sight of another caught him by surprise. her fur was creamy white, stunning against the darkness of night. and yet he frowned, brows furrowing. he had not anticipated this.