
The stars in your eyes




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-07-2021, 05:50 PM

He grinned at the skepticism in her voice at the fact he had offered her about his past, knowing how unbelievable it was. He knew he'd probably never be able to - or would even want - to do something like that again, but it was indeed true all the same. No one would be able to guess that he had done such a thing and he wanted it to stay that way. He never wanted to come close to the murderous wolf that his father had been. Becoming like him was perhaps Segin's biggest fear so he had steered clear of anything even remotely close to killing or fighting, instead gravitating toward things like healing and exploration. He laughed again when she joked that he was a better fighter than Duchess and that perhaps he could protect her, making him give her leg an affectionate squeeze.

At her questioning statement about not having a choice and him continue to give her puppy eyes till she caved, he just grinned and looked up at her with hopeful eyes as if to emphasize that point. His grin widened and his tail wagged when she gave in, agreeing that she would stay with him and their family that they had built, his chest swelling with happiness that he had gotten her onto their side. "You won't regret it, I swear!" he assured her with a giggle, leaning his head into her shoulder. Now that he had experienced this joy of getting to build a family from the ground up with wolves he genuinely enjoyed being around he just couldn't stop. He wanted more and more wolves to be a part of their special family where they could feel safe here the way he did. He knew it would only get better once they broke away and went out on their own with Indigo, getting to explore and see more of the world with him.

His ears perked when she questioned him on how he ended up with Indigo, keeping his head leaned into her shoulder as he spoke with his silver gaze looking out across the plains in front of them. "Ah, well... My family all left me. All I had ever really known was taking care of my sisters so once they were gone I didn't really know what to do with myself. I started running away from it and I let myself get in really bad shape. I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't run into Indigo when I had I probably would have died from starvation or from getting myself involved with someone dangerous." He had hopped from one wolf to another, whoever had wanted to take him and make him forget his situation for even a moment. He knew that not all of them had good intentions for him and he was probably very lucky that he had even gotten as far as he had. "I stumbled into Indigo when I went into a cave to hide from a storm. We got to talking and I told him my story and he ended up inviting me back here to live with him."

Segin Epsilon