
you let her go



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-07-2021, 07:44 PM
Lillith was a quiet young lady, she didn’t ask for much in life. She wanted her family close and never wanted to be a burden to them again. She needed them to know her worth, she couldn’t let them be like her mother, the woman she was worthless to. The women who had left her. The constant feat that her siblings and father would deem her a nuisance was always at the cusp of thought. She had to prove herself, she had to be strong and she had to show her worth. Lilith tried to hide her weakness and the deep seeded feeling of failure. Her sickness lasted for so long, she never felt like she caught up. Add her father’s trip around the world and the girl was a mess. She knew he was going to come back, he had told her as much, but every day drug on. She asked Ezra a million times how many more days until they came back.

She hadn’t really been sleeping, not peacefully. She was up every few hours, unable to fall back asleep. Sometimes, like tonight, with the moonlight pouring in the castle Lillith made her way to Ulric’s bed. The scent of him was still strongest here and Lil snuggled into the furs there to help herself feel closer to him. She was almost reassured that he would return. She just couldn’t help the voice at the back of her head that doubted. Doubted her worth to be returned to. The fear was without logic or reason. The fear stemming not from losing her father, but the mother that had so easily left her.