
Shifting perspectives




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
06-07-2021, 09:02 PM
Ulric left the place where Aranea and their pups had died and began to move into the castle, pausing only long enough to wash the dirt off of his paws. He felt like a ghost haunting the halls as he moved up to the rooms where he and his children lived and for a moment he came to a stop at the beginning of the corridor. He looked at the doors that led to their rooms, feeling a bit of life returning to him as he thought of them. Jane, Emile, Ezra... Lilith. His sweet Lilith. Death had taken a lot from him, not just today, but it hadn't taken his sweet ruby eyed girl. It had come close, but she was strong. His fighter.

He walked toward her room and found the door ajar, gently rapping his paw on the door to get her attention before he slipped inside. He didn't say anything at first and as much as he tried to keep his emotions held back his exhaustion at the whole situation was sure to shine through in his expression. But it was over now. It was over and all he wanted to do was cherish the children he still had left. He had lost Everlyse and now those nameless pups were gone too. Lilith, Jane, Emile, and Ezra. They mattered more to him than the world. Ulric walked over to his white and gray spotted girl and settled onto his haunches, gently pulling her into a hug as he tucked his head down into her scruff. "I'm sorry, Lil," he rumbled quietly, emotion thick on his voice, "I know you don't like hugs, I just... I just need one, okay? Just one."

Ulric Adravendi