
The games you play




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-07-2021, 09:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2021, 09:59 PM by Ruga. Edited 1 time in total.)

A wicked grin crossed his features at the promise the challenge gave him. He stepped over to her and caught her in a quick, hard kiss with a deep chuckle. "Challenge accepted. You stay here, gorgeous. I'll be right back with the biggest duck I can find." Nothing less would do if the time it took her to eat it was how long he would get to have his way with her. He wanted every minute he could possibly get from her. He turned and started heading down the river, keeping his pale green gaze peeled for the first sign of the water fowl he was seeking. Oh the things he went through for a good lay. This shooting star embodied was worth the effort.

He spotted a place where the river began to widen, looking almost like a pond with the way it spread and thinned before continuing on the width it was before on the other side, almost like the ground around the river had gotten misshapen at some point and disrupted the smooth flow of the water. He spotted the birds near the bank of the river "pond" and slowed his steps, creeping into a thicker patch of grass to help hide himself as he crept closer, stopping at the edge of the tall grasses near the water's edge and watching the birds for a moment. He knew he'd only have one shot at this since the rest were sure to take off as soon as he launched his attack so he had to be certain of which one he was going for before he launched himself at them.

He settled his gaze on a green headed mallard that was certainly the largest of the bunch. It also happened to be the one closest to the edge of the water and the furthest away from him. Of course. He waited for a minute to see if maybe it would shift closer to him and while it did slightly he saw a couple of them beginning to waddle toward the water and he worried that he might miss his chance. Finally deciding he just had to go for it, he leapt out of the grass, bolting toward the mallard with long strides and sending the flock of ducks flapping frantically into the air. He jumped up to catch the mallard as it tried to fly away and his teeth successfully latched around its neck - only to send himself right into the water. He landed with a splash, soaking everything from the top of his shoulders down, making the tan, gray, and black fur cling tightly to his form.

His teeth crunched through the duck's neck as he fell, making the bird go limp in his jaws, so even though he had to crawl out of the river dripping wet at least he got what he came for. He walked back down the river with the duck in tow, finding his way back to where he had left Keetie. He placed the plump duck at her feet with a flourish, giving her a smirk. "For you, my lady."

Rûga Amanto