
last night i dreamed about you

Silent I


11 Years
06-08-2021, 11:15 AM
The young girl's blunt confidence was refreshing for Silent. She spoke her protest without any doubt and it was something that Silent appreciated about her. Bronze had been more confident when it came to speaking his mind; she had always been more hesitant and mindful when she expressed her opinions. All Silent could do was smile, watching the girl resist the temptation of curiosity for her ancestor. Silent would not press her; she was too old and too patient to try and enforce someone younger to change their beliefs.

When the question for her introduction rose to greet the blue girl's ears, she did not hesitate to reveal her entire name. 'Pyrite Destruction, daughter of Kirsi and Song Destruction, Creatus in the pack of Incendium.' Silent's ears perked at the mention of her grandson and his wife. After all of this time, the name was still present in the upcoming generations. She kept such the fact to herself, though, for a later time. The question, 'Who are you?' did not take long to arrive and when it did, Silent took the chance to nejoy her own introduction. Rising to all fours, she stood and raised her head, regally showing the royalty that reigned within her bloodline. "I am Silent Shadow, wife to Bronze, mother to Mercury Destruction, grandmother to Song Destruction..." Her voice faded for its dramatic flair, bright green eyes watching Pyrite knowingly, "and great-grandmother of Pyrite Destruction."

Without waiting, Silent dipped her front half into a gentle bow, her tail swaying once behind her in a swoop. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Pyrite Destruction, Creatus of Incendium." Her voice held no proof that she was making fun of the young firecracker. She waited for a few seconds to see if Pyrite would reciprocate the gesture; if she did or did not, Silent would slowly rise to stand on all fours again. "You have come from a very prosperous line, Pyrite," she said, tones returning to their natural warmth. "I am proud of you, as the wolf you are now and the wolf you will become." She figured that Pyrite would continue to remain distant, but she did not let it affect her. Despite the lack of trust, Silent loved her great-granddaughter.