
Fighting Like Cats and Dogs

Ezra - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
Expert Physician

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6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-08-2021, 11:31 PM

Syanna had been running so haphazardly and blindly through the dense grove, narrowly zipping in and out of trees in a desperate gambit to lose the giant saber cat, that she hadn't been paying attention to where she was going. A quick glance back to make sure the massive predator wasn't right behind her, Syanna turned her green eyes forward—and found herself careening straight into Ezra's massive form. She had no time to stop, no chance to catch herself before she was crashing into him with a surprised yelp. She crashed right into his chest, the boy's larger size and stature keeping him steady like a mountain while she crumpled to the ground at his paws, panting hard and staring up at him with wide- terrified eyes.

Ezra asked her what was wrong, and Syanna hurried to get back to her paws, yelping as pain shot up her front left leg the moment she put weight on it. Dammit, she must have twisted it or sprained it when she crashed into Ezra! Stupid girl! "Tiger... Big tiger...! Huge fangs...! Coming...!" she got out between heavy gasps for air. As if on cue, the feline-like yowl of hunger and anger sounded around the grove. A moment later, the giant cat came bursting through a thicket of shrubs, fixing its ravenous glare on the two wolves. The cat licked its lips, beginning the slow, predatory advance toward them. Syanna whined and backed up behind Ezra, looking up to the larger boy and then around the grove for any solution to their predicament.

"That's it! We've gotta run, Ezra!" she whimpered, nudging him with her shoulder to get him to move. She tried to back up, but yelped and nearly collapsed again from her injured leg. Shit, she couldn't run at all. She was well and truly fucked. But she refused to give up. Giving up meant dying. She didn't want to die today. "Ezra, we need to go right now!" Please don't be a hero, silly dopey boy, she silently prayed in her mind, losing up to him with the same pleading look for him not to be the dumb macho hero she knew he'd be thinking of being. If he'd been so tenacious over making her feel better about losing a mushroom, she didn't want to see what he'd be willing to do with a prehistoric danger staring them down like an easy meal.

WC: 1471 / 1500

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.