
we swam the evening away



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-09-2021, 07:00 AM
Maybe it was easier to discern where Indigo’s mind really was compared to what he was showing, his subtle affections not so subtle as Duchess watched after him. Now that he was healed there was a lot on his mind, like he told her not so long ago, his imagination was running away with him. The thought of how incredible their time together would be after withholding for so long. He tried to wrangle his desires, but having her snuggled against him every night, the temptation they both teased each other with, and the long journey here had Indigo strung tight. He behaved himself, but now that they were here Indigo just wanted to take hold of Duchess and refuse to let her go.

Indigo tossed his head back, catching Duchess out of the corner of his eye as he let her take the lead instead. He followed after her, only barely holding back teasing her some more as they entered the dark hallway and moved forward into the old structure. It was a whole different material to the stone castle they were used to. Bright blue eyes watched their surroundings, more looking for signs of threat than the landscape, even distracted his main goal was to keep Duchess safe. So far, it seemed like they were truly alone on this island.

Ducking theirs head in each room they could the couple were finally greeted with a beautiful place. The sunlight streamed into the room, the building had deteriorated enough to make the room seem like a garden. Beautiful flowers surrounded them, the greenery of the trees beyond made the room just as private as its fully protected brethren. That pesky thought remained at the back of his mind as he imagined all the fun he could have with Duchess in a beautiful place like this.

He slowly lowered his head and nuzzled into her ear, the simple affection slowly shifted from innocent as he nibbled suggestively at her jaw before trying to steal a deep kiss from her vibrant lips. With a lidded gaze and his shoulder leaning against her lightly, he thought himself quite smooth. He’d waited for so long while he was recovering, at the moment his focus was entirely on the beautiful woman beside him.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.