
stay with me



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-09-2021, 07:43 AM
His pacing didn’t cease, but it slowed as his mind ran through the conversations they might have whenever Emersyn returned to the castle. Indigo had been injured and on bed rest but that didn’t mean he missed watching her go out and gather herbs with Segin. He’d caught glimpses of her and Duchess practicing battle moves in the courtyard, and Em standing guard over Gypsy’s room. If she meant to or not Emersyn was finding her place with them. Indigo felt hi sheart warm at the sight, but that didn’t help the worry that remained. She wouldn’t see them hurt, she was going to go and get herself killed. Indigo grit his teeth as he turned once again and was greeted by Emersyn’s hard features.

He wouldn’t soon forget the gentle feeling of her caress over his fur as she soothed him after the fight. How she stood over his wounded form, silently watching and waiting for anything that might try and harm him. Indigo couldn’t bare the thought of her repeating the events that brought them together. Alone she would face certain death, she’d be run down until she couldn’t take another step, and unlike helpless prey her life would be taken senselessly.

Her smile caused his heart to skip a beat, he hadn’t seen such a bright expression on her face yet. Like Segin’s her joy was infectious, knowing someone so broken could smile so brightly warmed Indigo to his core and both increased and lessened the nervous worrying that was kindled in his chest. He knew he couldn’t let her go. ”And you as well, Emersyn.” He told her with a soft grin. He truly hadn’t seen her so bright or carefree. He was completely convinced she belonged with them. ”I was,” he answered simply as she lingered near the doorway. ”I’ve been given the all clear,” his voice was hesitant. ”I’m healed, so.. I wanted to revisit our conversation.” His voice was deep and quiet as his smile faltered. ”Emersyn, I want you to stay with us.”

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.