
we swam the evening away



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-09-2021, 12:48 PM
The room was indeed beautiful, the flowers and the sunshine streaming through, but Indigo was easily distracted by the way the light played through Duch’s fur. Dapples and bright spotlights highlighted the gentle curves of her body and brightened the colors of her eyes. Despite his relative eagerness the dappled girl was receptive to his touch. She leaned into him and lifted her head in a silent offering of herself. Indigo grinned through his affection as he kissed her throat softly, but he could feel the tension beneath. He wasn’t sure if she was keeping to habit or continued to hold back to be certain he was fully healed before he was faced with too much excitement.

She kissed him back, again her hesitancy shone through but was overwhelmed by the deeper feeling of need. Indigo felt it too, he fed the flames and sparked the electricity that raced over his skin where her delicate paws wove through his mane. He leaned back onto his heels so he could better balance himself as he lifted his arm to wrap around her shoulders and hold her against his chest. The feeling of desire was finally one he no longer would be forced to resist. He was fully healed and he could finally yield to the building pressure the both of them felt. The feeling of her fur beneath his toes, and her lips on his changed so much from here compared to his time in bed. He remained slow and careful, well aware of her past, not wanting to make her feel discomfort anymore.

She pulled away from him only slightly, bringing her lidded gaze to meet his own, the last vestibules of reluctance were made known fully. She hesitated for his sake. ”Completely.” Knowing she didn’t hold back because of her heart Indigo pressed forward again. Ridding himself of inhibition as he squeezed tightly and pressed his dark lips to hers once more, passion and fire in every movement as he savored her and gave in to the craving denied for too long.

Indy aimed to lean her back against the cascading roots around them as the dappled light pained them. He watched her gaze, certain he wouldn’t see anymore of the hesitation that held them back. The feeling of being wanted, of being adored, was one of life’s great joys. Seeing the way Duchess basked beneath his touch and craved him as much as he yearned for her drove him onwards. His paws explored the soft curve of her and he breathed in her lovely herbal scent. He closed his eyes as he savored the way she overloaded his senses.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.