
Because Of You


08-01-2013, 02:41 PM

Demyan. Please. Don't... The choked whisper that slipped from her trembling porcelain lips took a stranglehold on the brute's heart, squeezing it until he was quietlu gasping for air, fighting for each breath he took. His chest felt tight; too tight. It was like there wasn't enough air for him to breathe which was ridiculous because they were out in the fresh air in the mountains. He had to get out of there. He had to get away from Orica. He had to kill her. He had to talk to her, to get her to understand what he couldn't understand about himself. He didn't know what to do! His mind was screaming a million different things at him and yet his massive body would not move from its frozen state. Cyan gems remained trained on the medic's sapphire ones, reading the frantic terror that seemed to overwhelm them. There was a pained whimper from his victim but Demyan paid it no mind. He was much too focused on Orica to pay attention to anything else. Now it was his turn to choke out his words, his breathing becoming ragged. He could feel the blood-lust raging through his veins, roaring to be satisfied, whether it be by his original victim's blood or by the medic's. No! He couldn't hurt Orica...He wouldn't hurt her...would he? Bloodied lips peeled back in a snarl, no sound emitting from his larynx, audits flattening against his crown. What the hell was she doing to him?! The thought of killing another wolf excited him, but even ruffling a single hair on Orica's body brought physical pain to the man, much worse than anything he'd ever felt before. Why did his chest tighten with every moment that passed between them, their similar azure gems locked for what seemed to be an eternity. What was wrong with him?! He should've torn her to pieces the moment she'd interrupted his kill and yet here she was again, standing completely intact, squaring off with him despite knowing that she had no real chance against him if he decided that he was really going to take the smaller man for his prey. What was it that drove her to help others? To protect those who couldn't protect themselves? He would never understand?

Slowly the gargantuan came back from his frozen state, only enough to take two steps back, widening the gap between himself and Orica, his muzzle still crinkled in a silent snarl as he lowered his head, ears remaining flat. He shook his head, trying unsuccessfully to make sense of the churning emotions swelling inside of him, the blood-lust disappearing to give way to guilt and confusion within his cyan gaze. He wanted to leave but his body would not follow his commands. It would not move so he stayed, his pained cyan eyes never leaving Orica's. What was happening to him...

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