
Let Go Of The Truth




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
06-09-2021, 10:18 PM
It seemed like Auster was crawling with these damn saber cats. Nearly since the moment they moved into the castle they had been fighting them off, picking them off one by one as they continued to threaten the members of his pack whenever they were on patrols or out hunting and foraging. He had cleared out the Wildberry Grove, killing one there pretty recently, after hearing how his son had run into one with Lilith and then again when he was fighting off one to defend his friend. He was slowly working his way further down into Auster in his search of more, determined to finally finish them off so he wouldn't have to worry about the young wolves in the pack like his children doing patrols just to end up attacked by one of these monstrous cats.

He made his way to the canyon for the first time since they hunted the mammoth here, getting a good look at the area for the first time. The steam that ran through it offered a soft, tricking sound of water and that seemed to be the only sound save for the soft click of his claws on the stone - that was until the distinctive sound of a yowling roar echoed down along the canyon, making the fur on the back of his neck stand on end. The sound of scuffling and an obvious fight got him running, running hard down the canyon till his silver gaze landed on a younger woman, pale gray and brown in coloring, facing off with one of those saber cats that he had been hunting. At least in that moment he didn't have the attention to notice her markings, his only concern going to making sure she was safe. Stranger or not, he wasn't going to just let his woman be attacked by one of those things.

He charged forward from behind her, snarling as he slammed his shoulder into the saber cat's side, hitting it hard and knocking it back away from the other wolf, causing it to stumble off of its paws. He backed up a bit, finding himself side by side with the stranger, though he didn't look down at her, keeping his gaze focused on the cat as it staggered back to its paws. "Are you okay?" he asked, slightly breathless from the hard run to get down here.

Ulric Adravendi