
Fighting Like Cats and Dogs

Ezra - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
06-10-2021, 01:38 AM

Syanna had run into him like hitting a wall and his ears flicked back with worry, immediately trying to help her back to her paws while he saw the terror in those green eyes that had been taking up a lot of his thoughts since the last time they met. Concern creased his brow when she yelped, his pale blue eyes going to the leg that she was now favoring, making it really obvious that she had somehow hurt herself either during her sprint out of the grove or when she ran into him. Her words made his hackles bristle. Another one of those damn saber cats?!

As if it was summoned by her words, that now familiar yowl cut through the air and his head popped up to look at the giant feline, a snarl immediately pulling across his lips. He blocked Syanna off from the saber cat as she backed up behind him, settling into a fighting, defensive stance with a low growl to try and scare off the feline. His ear flicked back toward her as she tried to urge him away, the words quickly followed up by another yelp. She wasn’t going to be able to run and he could certainly carry her, but he wasn’t sure he could run fast enough with her on his back to get away without hurting her more.

”Just get away, alright? Start heading toward the castle, I’ll be right there,” he told her quickly moments before the saber cat lunged at him with its huge paws swinging toward him. With a snarling growl he ducked down out of the way and leapt up, latching his teeth deep around its throat as he ducked under its fangs. Those long teeth clinked against the plate metal of his armor that blocked the bite it tried to make into the back of his neck in return, the feline making strangled, pained yowls as Ezra’s razor sharp teeth ripped and cut through flesh with each tug of his head as he pushed the big cat back.

The cat twisted its neck despite the fact that it would hurt itself more in the process, just to rip itself out of his grasp. Its strangled sounds of struggle turned more into gurgles as the serrated edges of his unusual teeth ripped through its throat as it pulled away, blood pouring down the cat’s chest. As one final swing the cat swung a bite at his side, just past the edge of his armor, and its fangs dug deep into skin before he had a chance to pull away. A pained growl left him as he shoved a paw into the saber cat’s chest and pushed the dying predator back away from him, knocking it to the ground as it continued to struggle and choke on its own blood. It would be dead within moments so he left it there, instead turning back to where he had left Syanna just to make sure she was still okay.

He stumbled a couple of steps before falling hard onto his haunches, gritting his teeth and grimacing  at the pain that radiated from each panting breath. He could still breathe okay, it just hurt like hell. The saber cat’s teeth cut a pretty deep laceration into his right side and he couldn’t really tell because it was just all pain all over, but it had fractured at least one of his ribs. His icy gaze fell on Syanna and as soon as he saw that she was okay it felt worth it.

Ezra Adravendi