
Because Of You



08-01-2013, 03:33 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Almost as soon as the words had left Orica's mouth, she had believed them futile. She swallowed hard, unable to look away from the cyan eyes that now boiled with rage, now seared with - with what?


The words caught the girl off guard. Then- then he really was struggling with this? Maybe, just maybe he could still make the right choice. Gods above, she had been so terrified when she'd broken through the treeline. Horror was the only word to describe it. B-but maybe she'd given up too quickly. His words... he needed her.

For a moment it was like there was absolute silence. No stormy wind through the stone shelves, no rustling trees, - nothing. Except for the gentle, muted crunch of snow as one... two... three steps were taken forward. Her fur was still tingling, her hackels were still raised like a scared cat's, and her ears were still back - she knew she was in danger. Every tiny tremor or shiver that ran through the man could mean death a heartbeat later. ... But he had asked for help. In that one moment he had sounded so torn and confused and pained. And Orica was doing the only thing she felt she could. She was close enough now that their chest fur brushed ever so slightly. Orica's head tilted back, white chin raised to show a tight, bobbing throat. That snarl was still etched on Demyan's face, but Orica did her best to ignore it. She whined softly, a single note meant as a wordless plea.

The girl brought her face right up to the beast's jaws, and flicked out a soft, pink tongue. Assuming the male didn't suddenly move to pull away or snap her neck, a gentle lick would planted on the side of muzzle which was wrinkled and taunt with an unheard growl. There. Orica couldn't be sure what had moved her to do such a thing, but it could only be from the deepest well within her spirit. The touch was gentle and sweet, meant to console, like the kiss a mother gives her child to banish away the nightmare's from it's head.
