
Chip chip chip away

Crafting time



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
06-10-2021, 10:12 AM
Thalia was terrible at this small-talk business, but she was trying - stepping far outside her comfort zone - and she thought that was at least marginally impressive. Trying something new, learning about how to start a fire, was even further outside of her comfort zone but it seemed like useful knowledge nonetheless. Still, despite the practicality she wasn't sure how she felt about putting this lesson to use herself. It seemed sacrilegious somehow - an act meant for gods, not for mortals, and though she believed she was destined to rise above this mortal plane she knew she still had quite a journey to go before she arrived.

She stopped blowing on the fire at his instruction, though she'd been enjoying watching how it rose further with each gust. Thalia complied though, letting out an awkward chuckle. "Yeah, sure, no problem," she responded after a moment. Without the tools Allegro was using she wasn't sure how she'd begin such a project but she supposed it might not hurt to collect the materials and give it a try. The reflection of the flames danced in her orange stare as the flames simmered down, her attention shifting back to the older wolf across from her.

He admitted he'd been away during the eruption. "You're lucky. It was... unpleasant, though we lived quite far away. I had a family member perish in the explosion." An act of God, one she mourned though she knew his fate had been out of all of their controls. It was destined to happen, a sign of change as much as it was a tragedy. Not everyone felt the same way about Malleus's death though. "It… yeah. Hit us badly." No words could really explain it and she wouldn't bother trying. "Since then we've been trying to… start over a bit, I guess. Some Abraxas before my time, I've heard, left a pretty terrible impression of my family. So you know, we do not recognize those wolves as family." By we she meant she, and Eligos, and anyone who followed him. They were not free to terrorize the lands and take what they wanted by force - even if that was what they deserved - as their ancestors had done. This was a new generation of Abraxas and they would be calculated and patient, and no doubt reap the rewards in the future. Thalia believed in that with all her heart.