
we swam the evening away



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-10-2021, 12:54 PM
Duchess melted against him as he assured her that he was fully healed, there wasn’t much she could do to hurt him at this point. As soon as her worries were soothed she dived eagerly into his affection, relenting the tension se held as she moved with him. Duch looked and felt at ease nestled beneath him, there was no hint of trembling or fright, no sign of the traumas that she had once experienced during intimate moments. She was confident and trusted him completely. Indigo would never hurt her, and more than that wanted her to feel just as good or better than him when they were together. He loved the look of joy and more so the easy bliss that overtook her expression as heat built between their bodies. The feeling of her heavy breaths against his chest, the near gasping sound igniting that burning plame. She questioned him softly and he was forced to pause, taken off guard but wanting her all the more for it. Indigo’s actions were obvious but hearing the words said intensified his craving. ”Yes,” He answered breathily, almost a growl as he held her tighter.

What really drove him over the edge was her follow up statement, a command almost, that she was his to to take as he would. To further prove her point she pressed herself against him temptingly, she relaxed herself against him and welcomed him completely into her world. There was no tension to her muscles or fear in her gaze as she looked up at him, Indigo grinned as he leaned forward to kiss her again. He moved carefully as he joined their bodies together and finally was able to indulge in her again. Though he’d tried to ignore the suggestive thoughts, being with her again really was better than any time previously. Like holding back had increased the pleasures of being together.


Indigo held her close as he caught his breath and appreciated her gentle presence after such an intense experience. He nuzzled into her cheek, unwilling to release her. He knew how close she wanted to remain afterwards, and he felt it too. It wasn’t enough to be intimate, being close afterwards was equally as important, sharing the comedown was as needed as the build up. He traced his toes over her arm almost absently while he lay surrounding her. She fit against him snugly, and looked just as beautiful in the dappled light now as she had at the height of his efforts. The smile she put on his face wouldn’t be easily knocked off. As Indigo let his bright blue eyes settle on her sweet features he sighed heavily and relaxed against the twisting carpet of roots content and satisfied. ”That was worth every second I had to wait.” He chuckled as he pressed his forehead to hers and squeezed lightly.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.