
Let Go Of The Truth




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
06-10-2021, 01:48 PM
A little smirk twitched at his lips at the woman's sass with her mildly sarcastic answer to his question, but that at least gave him what he needed to know. She wasn't injured and she clearly wasn't afraid of a fight so they could fend this feline off easily. The two of them watched the saber cat closely for a long moment until it finally got up the courage to lunge toward him, swiping with a large paw with its sharp claws reaching for him. He jumped back out of the way, those claws only barely catching his shoulder and leaving some scratches in their wake before the woman charged forward to throw herself into the cat's side knocking it to the ground.

While she pinned it down from its hip he jumped forward to press his paws into it as well, making sure to stand at its back so it couldn't sink those huge sabers into him in its mad flail to get free. With one paw pressed hard into its neck right behind its jaw and another on its shoulder there was little it could to do get away as Ulric reached forward to bite deep into its throat, leaving no mercy for the saber cat as he killed it quickly. He bit though its throat and did a quick twist of his head to crack its neck, making it fall still almost immediately. He wasn't going to let it live, but that didn't mean he was just going to let it suffer either.

He sighed as he released the creature and stepped back, swiping the blood away from his lips with his tongue. "Sorry about that. These cats have been terrorizing the pack so-" That was when he looked up at the woman at really saw her for the first time, the coloring and markings and the similarities that were simply uncanny stealing his words away. The dark, chocolate mask over her face, the distinctive spots and speckles that had long been in the Adravendi family, but the most damning thing of all - the markings that wrapped around her legs and spoke volumes about where her lineage might come from. He hadn't seen those markings since his father was killed, but they were too distinctive to be a coincidence.

Ulric blinked and refocused his gaze on her lavender eyes, his mind struggling to put pieces together and think of a possibility for how this could even come to be. She was certainly older than his children, probably two if he had to guess, but two years ago... "Um... I'm... I'm so sorry, I don't mean to stare, I just..." Gods, he was making a fool of himself over something that might actually just be a trick of genetics and coincidence. He gave his head a shake before giving her an apologetic glance. "I'm Ulric Adravendi. Who might you be?"

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Ulric Adravendi