
we swam the evening away



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
06-10-2021, 07:46 PM
Duchess hummed through a smile when Indigo mentioned the happiness of her. With all the time that had passed, she had nearly forgotten about the girl from the Armada she had smelled vaguely on him. It did at least make her feel like she was the most important in his life as untrue as that was. She overlooked the talk the had the night that he brought Gypsy home. If he wasn't able to be with this woman, than how would it be possible to be with her now? Maybe Duchess didn't truly understand everything that Indigo had opened up to her about during that night. It had ended well for them anyway.

When he asked if there could be anything exciting, she smiled with her head resting against him, "Don't you think it would be nice to sleep under the stars?" It was a genuine offer, but her voice was a bit teasing too. She wouldn't expect to find anywhere better than here, and she wouldn't want to sleep exposed on the beach even with Indigo. But her thought of either the stars or this room felt romantic to her.

She pulled away from him, very reluctantly like they were glued together. And then she started their way back out of the monstrous building. It took longer to move around the building than finding the room they had inside. Duchess would move away from the beach and into the forests, though maybe that was contradicting with wanting to sleep under the stars. There were many odd objects that had been buried into the soil over time, but she wouldn't bother inspecting them too closely. More center of the island, the sun started to set and the trees were darkening the scenery around them more than if they were out on the shores. She stopped for a moment, looking back to Indigo before looking up at the changing sky above them.

Not much longer after admiring the colors of the sky, they came across another smaller building, one that had no roof at all. Vines and roots had completely taken over the walls making it look entirely plant based but the broken windows and door were still open holes. Duchess smiled to Indigo again before entering, laying down in the center of the vines and moss and lifting her paw suggesting for Indigo to join her while they laid on their sides. She grabbed him and cuddled close when he joined her. When she was comfortable there holding him and being held in return, she looked up at the still changing skies above them, completely clear of any tree tops directly above them, "Was I wrong?" She referred to sleeping under the stars, in this case watching the sky change was a beautiful scene. But soon the stars would completely cover around their heads.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.