
Everything is Alright

Lilith (summer seasonal)


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
06-10-2021, 10:16 PM

Ezra was about to insist that she had done great despite her humbleness and tell her how proud he was of her for not backing down, but just as he was about to do so he noticed her expression start to change. He could see her visibly get more wobbly and his ears flicked back with concern as she fell back onto her haunches, his brow pulling together with worry as he hurried over to her. "Lil? Are you okay?" he asked, dipping his head down to be level with hers as he examined her expression and saw how her eyes didn't really seem to focus on him right away. He immediately felt guilty for bringing her out here and wondered to himself if she had pushed herself too far just because he had asked her to come out with him. He should have known better and picked a shorter patrol route for her or maybe just done a lap near the castle walls.

To her request for him to carry her back, he smiled, feeling a little better just hearing her talking. "Of course, Lil. Whatever you need." He saw the beginning of tears around the edges of her ruby eyes and guilt twisted at his gut again. "Oh, don't cry, Lil! It's okay! It's my fault, I'm sorry." He very, very carefully lifted his giant paw to her cheek and brushed away those tears. "I should have been more careful, I'm sorry. Come on, lets get you back so you can rest." He crouched down and helped her onto his back, scooping up his little sister like she weighed nothing. She was so much smaller than him and he never really could tell how much of that was just genes from other parts of their lineage besides their father and how much of it was from her being sick for most of their first year.

He carried her carefully back toward the castle, not going too fast so there wasn't a risk of her falling off. "You really did do really good," he insisted after a moment as they walked, getting back around to the insistent compliment he had begun to say before her near fainting stopped him. "I know it's all really hard, but... I'm really happy you're feeling better now, even if it's just a little better." Life had been pretty hard on their whole litter with their mother disappearing with Everlyse, but it had been particularly unfair to Lillith. But things could only get better from here now that she was getting back to normal life again - just with some slight adjustments. "Maybe we don't do a patrol next time. Maybe I can help you with the greenhouse," he suggested as he glanced back at her over his shoulder with a spiky toothed grin. He didn't know anything about plants, but if she could point him to what to collect or where to dig or something like that then he'd be happy to help!

They got back up to the corridor where their rooms were and he walked down to hers, pushing the door open and carrying her over to her bed. "Here we are," he said as he lowered her down to her bed, letting her climb off of him and get settled onto the furs before he turned to face her and sat back on his haunches. "Can I get anything for you? Some food? Water? Do you want me to go get one of the healers or dad?" He just wanted her to be okay and didn't really know how to make that happen, but whatever she needed he'd make it happen!

Ezra Adravendi