
we swam the evening away



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-11-2021, 06:02 AM
Indigo was with Duchess in part because of the memories he tried so hard not to think about on a daily basis. He would always feel pain as long as he was separated from Aslatiel. She was literally his other half, born together they were complete only when they were together. His sister was the keeper of his heart, though he knew Duchess wasn’t completely aware of that fact. He’d mostly forgotten, so easily distracted by the intimacy they shared and the perfect little moments they were allowed together like this. Not that he could ever truly forget about Aslatiel, it was easier when they were apart to focus on the woman in his arms.

”I think it would be,” it agreed softly, satisfied wherever they were really. He hadn’t forgotten the nights he spent below the stars, trying to find his place in the Armada. He chased the memories away, he didn’t have a bad childhood, he really didn’t. But Indigo had always felt like the odd one out, now that he looked back he was more grateful than ever that he had found a group of wolves that found their place beside him. One where they all belonged beside him and he had found his place beside all of them. Indigo couldn’t find his place because he had to make it himself.

She pulled away slightly but he felt the same draw towards her, he didn’t want to let her go now that he was allowed to have her in his arms again. He sighed softly and lifted himself to his paws, still feeling the after effects of being with Duchess, the lingering fatigue and tingling of his limbs. He followed after her, careful to keep his attention on potential threats byond that might threaten the pair of them. Darkness was descending on the island, but he was even more certain they were the largest predators here. There was no threat to them tonight.

He followed her to another ruined building, but this one was completely overgrown. The roof was gone, but plants and vines covered it entirely. They would be situated underneath the stars and in complete privacy. He followed behind her, watching as her thin frame slipped into the almost magical little building. She floated to the middle of the room, dappled in the fading light as her pretty paws sunk into the soft mosses beneath. She summoned him and Indigo closed the distance between them, nuzzling against her as she grasped for him, and pulled him close beside her there on the greenery of the floor.

He held her to his chest, glad to rid the rest of the distance between them. She made herself comfortable and he relaxed against her as they were welcomed to look up into the changing colors of the sky above. ”No, not wrong at all.” He assured her with a soft chuckle as his attention shifted easily from the stars above to her to the soft dual tones of her eyes. ”It’s beautiful here, almost enough to distract me from you.” He teased her softly as he reached down to steal another sweet kiss.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.