
stay with me



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-11-2021, 07:15 AM
Holding her gaze was difficult even after he spoke, the tension was obvious in the way he held himself. His shoulders were rigid and his stomach in knots but he kept his gaze on her dual toned eyes. She repeated his name and dropped her eyes and for a long moment Indigo was forced again to think about what he was going to do if he had to watch her leave. To know as she disappeared into the horizon that he would never see her again, that someday somewhere she was going to get hunted down and destroyed, just like they had never met. He couldn’t drop his eyes from her, as she steeled herself and brought her gaze back up to him. Indigo met her eyes and silently pleaded for her to see logic, to stay with them where she would have a chance at a real life…

For a moment after she spoke again he didn’t even realize the reality that was placed before him. When he did accept her words he almost couldn’t handle the relief that cascaded over his shoulders and a huge sigh fell from his dark lips. ”Em,” his voice was much warmer as a smile collected on his features. The tension that had held tight to the atmosphere melted away and Indigo couldn’t help the grin on his features. He was willing and more to protect her in any way he could, he’d fight beside her for her right to a real life and to be in their misfit family.

Indigo chuckled softly as she told him it was actually Segin that had finally convinced her. Indy shouldn’t have been surprised, Segin really was the sweetest man that he had ever met. Those big beautiful silver eyes and his soft gentle soul that shone brighter than anyone despite everything he had been through. The man truly was a treasure and Indigo felt more blessed having him here with them. He sighed heavily, releasing the rest of the tension that held onto him as she fully admitted that she would stay with him and the family he had built, or had help building.

”Thank you,” he said softly, though he wanted her here for herself, he was still being selfish in a way. He didn’t want to spend the rest of his days wondering about what if. ”I promise I’ll be on better guard next time.” He told her, aware of what would happen now that she fully accepted the invitation. There would be more, and he would fight for her every time. ”You don’t have to tell me, obviously…” He started, again averting his gaze. ”Why are you being hunted so mercilessly?” If she could open up to him, he knew she deserved to see all that he was made of. Dark secrets and all.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.