
all that your love can bring



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
06-11-2021, 12:12 PM
Void’s cheeks hurt with how much he found himself smiling around Plague, especially through all of the spontaneous kisses and little affections as Plague draped and worried over the fanciest pieces of cloth he had ever seen. Every moment was well spent because they were together. Void hoped he would be able to stay longer than an afternoon, he hadn’t slept beside Plague since he had joined them for that week looking for Eulogy. Void missed him desperately, and just wanted to be close for a little while. Plague stole another kiss, even though he was welcome to as many as he wanted, for the rest of their lives.

Plague relieved him of the unfinished garment, but Void couldn’t wait to put it on for real. To make his lifelong vow to Plague, and become the family they both wanted. Then, preparations done for now, Plague was at his side again, their attentions full on each other. Void still held onto his smile as he leaned into Plague, he always craved his touch but especially so after so long apart. ”I am too, I always miss you so much.” He closed his eyes and felt his skin ignite where Plague nibbled along his jawline.

He felt his fiance hesitate slightly, as a careful question fell from his pale lips. How long were they allowed to be in each other’s arms? Void never wanted to try and leave Plague after indulging so deeply again. It tore his heart to shreds. He’d managed to make time tonight, he wouldn’t return to Abaven until tomorrow. ”Yes,” Void answered with a relieved grin. He was all Plague’s tonight. ”I wondered if you might walk back with me in the morning.” He requested softly, knowing even when the sun rose he wouldn’t want to leave Plague’s side.

His own request was soft and shy, he didn’t expect to be rejected but the feeling still flared. He knew that Plague would do anything for him though, he’d proved himself of that again and again, and even if he couldn’t walk in the morning they had all night to enjoy each other’s company.

Void Abraxas-Destruction