
david and goliath



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-11-2021, 02:01 PM
Garnet gaze found Artorias as he made his way towards her, having obviously been working on the training grounds himself before hearing her. She knew him, but had only really seen him at the meeting. Not that the heir of the pack should have been wasting his time visiting sick puppies anyway. He continued his work, his attention half on her but mostly with the dummy he was setting up across from her. He answered her almost absently, their siblings were all off being busy, living their lives, while she was here. Lucky if she would even get a spar at all.

Lilith looked away, again feeling the shame in herself for not being strong enough. For letting the sickness rule her life. Her head was already swimming and no one had even really stepped forward yet. Artorias was here, busying himself with repairing and improving the training grounds. He looked like he could knock her over with a well placed swipe of his paw. She had never been quite as big or as strong as her siblings. Not to mention the Hallows heir himself. She guessed they were of similar age, but she was still a small child comparatively.

He straightened and turned back towards her, and lilith’s ruby red eyes lifted to search his face as he guessed her name and her motives. She wasn’t sure what she wanted. It felt so good standing next to Ezra and scaring away that saber cat, but what if that was all she could ever do? Trying to look scary next to her massive brother? ”Yes, sir. I’m Lillith.” She returned with a little bow of her head. She wasn’t very good at it but she tried to hide how upset she let herself become while she was sitting in her room. ”I don’t know. I’ve just felt so useless up in my room while everything…” She tried not to relive the memory of Ulric’s appearance in her room the other night after Aranea had died.

”I thought I wanted to fight someone.” A minute ago she had been rearing to go, but when she’d seen him meander up so easily, clad in impressive armor and looking far more intimidating than she could ever hope to be… She felt discouraged by reality again and again.