
Laughing till they die




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
06-11-2021, 09:15 PM
With both wolves fighting the clan of hyenas from either direction, the laughing dogs had nowhere to run and two fronts to fight on. The stranger in the cave seemed to be holding her own now, thrashing through the hyenas with relative ease. Emersyn was also making quick work of the annoying scavengers, tossing another aside and watching it scamper away when another lunged at her, snapping its jaws at her neck. She recoiled in time for the attack to miss, and instead wrapped her jaws around the hyena's scruff. With a snarl, she began to savage the hyena, flailing it back and forth in her grasp before tossing it into the group, sending the hyena crashing into another one of its friends.

With a hard swing of her paw to one more by the entrance, Em had broken a path through to the trapped wolf. Growls and snarls broke through the chittering chorus of laughter while she pushed the hyenas back. Once the two wolves had been united and fighting together, that was all it took to break the hyena's morale. The remaining uninjured canines chitters and screamed as they scattered through the canyon in all directions, running for their lives. Emersyn gave a final parting snarl to the pesky critters, then turned to look over the other wolf. She matched her in height and built, but where Em's fur took on a darker palette, the stranger's coat was a luxurious pristine white and gray and her eyes looked like faceted aquamarine gems.

"Are you hurt?" she asked the other wolf once she had caught her breath, giving her a nod of approval. "This clearly wasn't your first fight. Where did you learn?" Emersyn wasn't one for chit-chat most of the time, but she was also probing to see if this wolf really was a hunter after her, or perhaps someone she might come to know again in her travels.
