
The past keeps coming back to haunt me




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-11-2021, 09:15 PM


Days ran by and Eska threw herself into her work. She patrolled, hunted, made sure that the alpaca's were alive and well, and helped where she could. This was her first pack experience and she was determined to give it her all. Perhaps it was the industrious nature passed down in her genes, but Eska wouldn't have felt worthy of the Hallows if she hadn't done her best to contribute.

The castle and the wolves within had quickly become her home, her family and her friends. A lot of that had to do with Ulric and his acceptance of her. More than acceptance, really. The pair of them had developed an unspoken relationship. They didn't need to label it or say anything in particular about it, but it was definitely there. The pair of them shared all of their spare time together. They talked, ate, rested and simply enjoyed one another. Their time together had quickly bloomed into something deeper. Eska, however, wasn't rushing anything. Ulric had said that he was one to rush into things, so she was forcing him to take it slow.

As she returned from her evening patrol, day had given way to night, though the night was almost as bright as day with the giant, full moon. Eska had run hard today and her paws were sore. She wanted to head back to her room and get some much needed sleep. It seemed that this wouldn't be the case, however.

Golden pools rested upon the approaching earthen man. Eska's demeanor lifted when she saw him, but dampened again as she saw the expression on his face. It was... apologetic. The silvered woman stopped in her tracks, not coming a step closer. Ulric spoke. He needed to tell her something. Gods... she knew it. His fiance had come back. That was what he was going to tell her. That was why he had such a guilty look on his scarred face. Eska said nothing. Her mouth merely pressed into a hard line and she continued to stare at him.