
Mixing Business and Pleasure

Rûga & Keetie



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-11-2021, 11:48 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2021, 12:54 AM by Sitka. Edited 2 times in total.)

Tracking down the armor smith hadn't been nearly as difficult as Sitka had initially dreaded. Following along the Rio Grande, he had passed a wolf with a rudimentary necklace that seemed far too ornate for someone without skill to craft. That wolf had pointed him west, in the direction of a lush valley in the midst of the arid desert. And so the dire brute had headed there, looking for the wolf that had crafted his armor to mend it after his most recent fight. Once he had a direction to walk in, it hadn't taken him much effort to get where he needed to go. The rugged renegade had passed through all sorts of terrains in his travels, this felt more like a walk in the park. He crossed the thin strip of arid land just before the morning sun started to rise behind him, silhouetting the wolf as he traipsed through the valley, stone and sand giving way to soft grasses.

Picking up on Rûga's scent was also fairly easy once he got around the valley. The wolf had obviously been staying here for some time now, and his scent was all over the valley. He passed by a pond with some quacking ducks, eyeing them for a moment before moving off with a grumble. Breakfast could wait. He had business to attend to. Rûga's scent led him to an alcove in the sides of one of the rock formations around the valley. He followed the natural slope up into the alcove as the first rays of morning light began to cast over the valley. There he found the wolf of his search—but he wasn't alone. The red-furred man was sound asleep with a stunningly gorgeous woman wrapped up in his arms, the two sleeping contently like lovers after a long night of fucking each other silly.

A sly smirk crossed the silvery brute's face. "Now isn't that just precious..." he murmured quietly to himself, unsnapping his armor and stepping silently up to the sleeping couple. With a shake, Sitka tossed his leather chest piece to the ground beside the sleeping Rûga's head with a loud thud while fixing the wolves with his steel-blue gaze. "Wake up, armor smith. Your favorite client is back."


Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.