
Mixing Business and Pleasure

Rûga & Keetie



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2021, 02:10 AM
Keetie felt utterly relaxed, and limp in her tall red-wolf's arms. If she was the sort to settle down, she knew she would try him on for keeps. As it was, her growing attachment to him could almost be considered fondness, mingled with possession. Each day with Ruga gave her exercise that ensured her body was limber and stretched. Banter and exercise filled their day in equal measures, and she had no reason to suspect that this day would be any different.

Her Ruby Knight awoke with a jolt, she could feel the way his heartbeat picked up beneath his skin. Keetie on the other hand, flicked open one cool blue eye and settled it upon the stranger. She roved her eyes up and down his pale skin and licked her lips slowly, before splitting them in a yawn.

“If you were looking to join us, love, armor roleplay is reserved for Tuesdays.” She stretched like a cat, arching her body and coming to her paws. Purring, Keetie stretched out her claws and lined them to the dents in the armor. Not a match. She sheathed her deadly armaments and kissed Ruga against one check, rubbing her side against him as she moved past him and fully into the light of dawn. She glanced across at the stranger - Sitka, her lover had called him - and troubled lightened her dual colored eyes. “Sitka, love. Care for some light exercise while handsome over there hammers out your dents?” She stretched her claws and rolled on the balls of her feet, indicating a fight and not a love making sort. Yes. Yes, she would certainly be watching Ruga for any hint of jealousy if Sitka took her up on her offer for a fight.
