
we swam the evening away



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
06-12-2021, 01:29 PM
Duchess still clung to him as he held her tighter, apologizing, it honestly meant little to her. But if he was still here, if they were still together, she could suffer through the rest of it. She could suffocate the thoughts and resentment that was slowing building around him. She wasn't really okay with sharing him with the band, but she would for him. She would do anything for him. It was what Draco did to her, it was what Indigo did for her, she couldn't let go of him.

Her forehead brushed into his body until everything was dark, everything was lost. Under the stars, in Indigo's embrace, she was tired from the travel and the emotions. And sleep ended up taking her.

-Time Skip-

Duchess had woken up mid-night or early morning, the sky was still only lit up by the stars that shined down on them. Her back was into Indigo and she cradled one of his gigantic paws and was wrapping in him. Nothing specific had woke her, just light on sleep maybe. The sounds of crickets and all the insects of the island filled her ears, and eventually the sounds of Indigo's breathing tuned in. She laid there for a long few moments, her mind empty and just listening and breathing with the noise around her.

She had hoped maybe Indigo woke up with her, but she hadn't stirred. He hadn't either. Unless he was in the same state she was in. And after what felt like forever, she carefully rotated in his arms to face him. Her not-so-tired eyes gleamed over his face, only she bore no smile right now. Still the memories of their last conversation on her mind. She gently reached up and nibbled at his jawline, her body carefully moving into his. A part of her didn't want to disturb him, another large part of her wanted him to wake up. She wanted to forget. Forget about the other woman, feel like she was the top of his world again. She was desperate for what he believed he couldn't give her.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.