
strawberry wine



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-12-2021, 02:43 PM
He actually felt a bit of relief when she agreed to rest for a while. The gardens were one of his favorite places, and even if it wasn’t part of the Hallows territory he spent enough time here it could almost be considered just that. She pulled away, and was the one to take the lead as she summoned him into the shade and close beside her. Indigo grinned even if she could see him, and made himself comfortable on the soft grass and she followed after, curled more snugly against him. Indigo chanced a hesitant kiss against her white ear before a soft sigh left his lips and he lowered his head and eyelids. He only really intended to rest his eyes.

She let him hold her, and there was a lot of comfort in the trust she put in him. He did indeed fall asleep, and didn’t stir at all as she gifted herself from his grasp and gathered up a bushel of berries for him. When she returned to his arms was when he was returned to consciousness. Sapphire eyes blinked open, the scent of fresh strawberry and Gypsy were the focus of his senses. He breathed in deeply, squeezing Gypsy lightly as he was welcomed with the sight. ”Did I miss all the fun?” He asked quietly, teasing in his appreciation. ”These berries are beautiful, Gypsy. Thank you.” He told her as he carefully released his hold of her and reached over to sample the fresh picked fruit.

It practically melted in his mouth. The taste was so good. He was almost overwhelmed with the sweetness of it. More than that he knew they were sprinkled with a seasoning of love from Gypsy herself. He smiled up at her, feeling proud of how independent she was becoming, everyday she improved and after enduring the life she lived previously he was convinced Gypsy was some kind of little angel. There was no way she wasn’t some kind of divine gift. Sapphire eyes lingered on her innocent features, it was so good to see her embrace her freedom. ”You’ve really grown from when I found you,” He told her softy, ”Obviously not in the taller sense.” He chuckled, feeling oddly carefree out here with her. ”Like you’ve blossomed.”

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.