
Naiche vs Duncan (tourney)



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
06-12-2021, 06:50 PM
Dunkan moved to his next fight after defeating the other male. His eyes were blank from any emotion as he didnt feel in a way or another after wining his first fight. He was here just to have fun, if that could be called fun to fight. But for the Knight every fight, for practice or not was an opportunity to train and test where he was in terms of skill. If there was something wrong or if he lost he would just work harder to fix the flaws he could find during a match.

He found out his next opponent was Naiche. A wolf he met way ago, back when he was of The Armada, and in their first fight, he lost. Back then he was still immature, a boy. And he wondered how he would do now, fully grown and hopefully more mature in thinking and ways of seeing things.

Ears pinned as tail tucked to protect it from being a target and to also cover his privates. Naiche was trustworthy but no one could never know, and even less after a long time of not seeing him. But well, he heard Naiche's speech but not answering, Dunkan was a man of actions, more than speaking more than he should and as the fight started he was one hundred percent focused on the fight. Ignoring and suppressing any emotions that could obstacle his critical thinking.

Quickly Naiche rushed his way but doing a circular approach aiming for his back leg. Quickly he aimed to move his rear a bit to the opposite side where Naiche was going for then attempting to slam his thig hopefully against Naiche's open jaws, wanting to hopefully use Naiche's momentum against himself. He knew he would end up with a wound but he didn't care. If he was successful he would then turn to bite on Naiche's left side of his face.

Dunkan Sarcova vs Naiche for spar
Round 1/2
Age: +1
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Lion skull helmet
Companion 1: Jaguar, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Red-tailed hawk, Female - Flying

Skills: Master Fighter & Expert Intellectual
Specialty: Knight

"speak."| "You"

Art by Cloudy, Code by Cloudy
He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.