
Turn Your Smile My Way




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-12-2021, 08:15 PM


Well, she hadn't quite been expecting that reaction. The boy skittered back from her a few steps and Eska stopped in her tracks. She didn't want to frighten him or make him uncomfortable. It was obvious that he was the skittish sort, so the brindled woman seated herself where she was, going no closer for his own peace of mind. He was a handsome boy, earthen in coloring with a bit of striping. His eyes were a striking green, though they appeared filled with sadness. Who could blame him? His mother and a sister gone. His alpha dead. His father bound by duty to the pack. Eska understood and she would be patient with him.

The stutter that chopped up the boys words went in one ear and out the other. It didn't bother the woman at all and recognition to the speech impediment didn't even show on her silvered features. He'd been looking after the marigolds. "Are marigolds for something in particular or are they just pretty?" The older wolf gave a slightly sheepish grin, the corners of her golden eyes lifting. "I'm a warrior and a hunter. Plants are a little beyond me." Perhaps it would calm the boy if she admitted her ignorance when it came to plants. Maybe the admission would be a little endearing.

Eska didn't miss the edge to Emile's tones when he asked what kind of friend. Oh boy. They had known Aranea. Naturally they would think that all of their father's 'friends' would be just as horrid. The black, grey and silver fae slid down to lay upon her stomach. A soft sigh pulled from her. She wouldn't lie to him. She wouldn't lie to any of them if they were so forward as Emile was. "I am Resin's daughter. Your father welcomed me into the pack after my mother died. We've become quite close." One silvered shoulder lifted in a bit of a shrug. "We're just friends for now, but it could eventually be more." She fixed the boy with her sulfur stare and continued. "He's a good man and he's becoming very important to me. You and your siblings are important to him, so I wanted to meet you."

"Is there anything else that you'd like to know, Emile?" Both dark ears flicked forward. Eska was willing to answer anything that he might ask. She was an open book with nothing to hide.