
Laughing till they die




4 Years
Extra large

Pride - Pansexual
06-12-2021, 10:04 PM

They both took turns knocking around these damn things and flinging them out of the way, one hyena finding the place of the last as they tore into them. However, as soon as the two women stood side by side and started attacking the clan as a unit the hyenas started to wise up and eventually gave up the fight, scoffing as the last of them finally scampered off down the canyon. "Good riddance," she muted as she watched them go before turning her aqua gaze toward the dusky, purple hued wolf beside her, her gaze finding the stranger's dual toned eyes - one sapphire blue and one a more green-hued aqua. Acantha was nearly tempted to flirt with the objectively beautiful fighter, but she restrained herself for now. She'd come to find that not all women appreciated another woman approaching them like that, though she didn't fully understand why.

"Just a few scratches, nothing concerning thanks to your help," she replied to her first question, giving a little roll of her shoulders as she mentally checked to make sure that was actually the case. When the question came of where she learned to fight Acantha chuckled softly, offering the other woman a smirk. "Far from my first fight, that's for certain. My father ruled a pack and I grew up training with his warriors. I was to be the head of the guard until my foolish brother sabotaged everything." She turned away from the stranger for a moment, walking over to the tattered remains of the deer she had left here, nudging it with a sigh as she decided that the hyenas had already gotten any of the remaining good meat off of it before she woke up.

"What about you?" she asked as she looked back up at the other wolf that was still nameless to her. Realizing that, she added, "I'm Acantha, by the way. A pleasure to meet you."

Acantha Elpis Stavros