
Mixing Business and Pleasure

Rûga & Keetie



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-12-2021, 10:46 PM

Rûga gave a roll of his eyes at the male that he had the great misfortune of calling a friend when he made a point to "wait" till after the crack of dawn to bring up his tattered armor. He gave Keetie a glance as she played into Sitka's humor with a sly comment of her own, a smirk pulling across his lips. The teasing was amusing and enticing coming from her, not so much from the fucker in front of him that happened to be one of his most repeat customers. A small benefit of being a stunningly beautiful woman he supposed. She brought a wider grin to his lips with the kiss she gave his cheek as she rubbed against him, a soft rumble of a growl in his chest as he leaned over to nip her ear in return. Gods, she made it hard to keep his paws off of her. He wasn't surprised in the slightest when Sitka started flirting with Keetie, making his own teasing comments and jokes in return. If anything, Rûga was shocked he started with ribbing him instead of going right into he flirting considering how gorgeous Keetie was. Sitka was nothing if not a horn dog.

The answer to his question turned out to be a mutated dire wolf and Rûga just shook his head in response. The pale man always seemed to end up in the most ridiculous situations that never ended up will for his poor armor. "Well of course I can fix it. But it's going to-" Before he could finish his sentence to tell Sitka how much he was going to charge the bastard for the job, he came forward to scoop out a paw full of gems from the pocket on the side of the armor, laying them out in front of him. Rûga scrutinized them for a moment, flipping a few of them over and checking them. They would be perfect for Keetie's armor and it would keep him from having to go trading for them himself... He turned the armor upside-down and shook another couple gems out of the pocket, adding them to the pile. "Now that will cover it," he muttered, walking over to his satchel to pick up the bag and start stowing the payment away before Sitka could change his mind. Not that he ever had.

"I swear, one of these days I'm going to start charging you double for all the trouble you bring with you," he muttered while he finished examining the damage that dire wolf had done. Tears in the top leather of the armor, a few of the metal plates broken free of their bindings. It was going to be a couple days work at least and that was only if he found find some suitable leather. As much as he hated living with his family at least there had been no shortage of supplies on hand to fix things like this in a blink of an eye. Carrying that much with him as a roaming loaner wasn't quite so easy. Before he could tell Sitka this, he heard Keetie give Sitka a challenge, glancing up at her as she prepared herself for a fight, his moss green eyes shifting over to Sitka as he quickly obliged with a very Sitka-esque comment about getting his paws and teeth on her. He'd never really been the possessive type and he didn't intend on starting now, but Sitka must be kidding himself if he thought he was just going to sit by and fix his armor while he made moves on Keetie.

He scoffed and tossed the broken armor back to the ground, rising to his paws to give himself a shake before coming out to where the two were standing. "When have I ever let you have fun without me?" he told the other man with a sideways glance before settling settling himself somewhere between the two, making it clear he wasn't about to miss out on a fight as a grin pulled across his lips.

Rûga Amanto