
Everything is Alright

Lilith (summer seasonal)


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
06-12-2021, 11:33 PM

He felt so bad for his sister as she worked herself up just over her own condition that she had no control over. He understood the frustration though and he wished he could just make it better for her. It wasn't fair. She had been the only one of their whole litter to get sick and she had stayed sick for most of their lives at this point. He supposed it made sense that she would still be so weak after being sick for so long, but it didn't make it any easier. It was nice to think of small victories like her being able to walk around the castle and go on short patrols with them, but they were still just small things that she should be able to do anyway. He never minded making adjustments for her though and it pulled a frown to his features when he saw the defeat in her when she begrudgingly accepted his offer of helping her in the greenhouse next time. He wished sickness was a thing that he could fight off physically, but that wasn't how it worked, much to his irritation.

He nodded in agreement to both requests, saying, "I'll be right back!" before hurrying out of the room, moving through the corridors of the castle with long strides. Getting the water was easy enough just by going into their food and supply stores to get a bowl and water skin, slipping out to the barrels of water just outside the castle door to fill it. Finding Gwyn was a little harder since she wasn't in the Infirmary like she usually was. He had to go up to the wing of the castle where the Carpathius family resided, finding her in her room. He took a minute to fill in Gwyn on what had happened and Lillith's condition, making sure that Gwynevere knew to check in with his sister later before he went back to Lillith's room with the water she had requested.

He slipped back into the room and placed the bowl beside her, filling the bowl with water before sitting the half full water skin down beside her bed so that it would be there in case she wanted more later. "I told Gwynevere," he told her, pulling an encouraging smile onto his lips. "She's going to come check on you later so... maybe get some rest for now." He hesitated for a moment before leaning in to press an innocent kiss to her cheek, his ears flicking back with worry. "Feel better, okay? We'll go out on another patrol really soon." A promise he was going to make sure he held up his end of the bargain on. He slipped out of the room then, letting her rest and recuperate.

Ezra Adravendi