
need you to stay


08-09-2013, 09:54 PM

Four nights ago. Perhaps the trail would still be fresh, though Angeal had his doubts. It would have to be enough, however. If he had to track down this male alone, he would have to rely on a four day old trail. He would have to be able to make it work. He had never been much of a tracker, not compared to some of the other members of his pack, but he would have to be able to make it work. "And you didn't say anything for this long?" He hesitated, examining her carefully, "That was very brave of you." Brave, but unnecessary. He would handle it, with or without her.

Ah, that was what he had been worried about. Angeal's ears twitched almost nervously, and he drew his tail closer to his body as she spoke. It didn't matter what his past contained; all that mattered was the present and the wolf that haunted her so. But if he could tell her of the many battles that he had survived, and even triumphed in, well, perhaps she would trust him to help her. And if she didn't, well, no harm done, right? She wouldn't hate him for it, would she?

The male exhaled softly before he spoke, "I know that I haven't told you much of the past, but the truth is, I was one of the best warriors in my pack. My two friends were perhaps better, though they fought constantly with each other. I was their peacekeeper," Him, the warrior, a peacekeeper. It was a funny though. "Between the three of us, we trained other wolves to one day take up the mantle of warriors, just like we had, and we destroyed those that our pack wished to see gone." Angeal snorted softly, "Many innocent wolves," Including his mother, "Lost their lives at the paws of myself and my two companions. We were their best fighters." Twitching his ears, Angeal looked thoughtfully at Liste, "I left that life because it was not meant for me. Because I wanted peace far away from the knowledge of how much of a monster I was." He let his voice fade into silence with that, waiting for her judgement.

She would surely not wish for his help anymore. Well, he wouldn't blame her. He was a monster. The perfect monster. He had been bred to be the perfect monster, the perfect warrior. And if she understood that, she would get away from him. Far away. He wouldn't blame her for that.
