
david and goliath



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-13-2021, 04:19 PM
She truly was up against insurmountable odds but was that really so far from what she did every day. Fight against a world that didn’t even want her in it. If she hadn’t been such a fighter from the start she wouldn’t have even been here right now. There was no chance of victory in a fight like this, but that wasn’t what she was going for was it. She needed to blow off steam, release the pent up energy within, and feel the thrill of sparring. Gaining experience. Even if he didn’t want to be called sir, Artorias was swiftly winning Lillith’s respect.

He grinned at her answer, but Lillith didn’t return the expression. She wasn’t upset towards him, not at all, but there was little that could bring a smile to her features. Lil nodded as he explained his rules again, and she was silently thankful the sword was left, supported far away from the ring. He took his place in the middle looking quite confident, as he should. Lilith stepped up, her paws small and dainty in comparison as she carefully stepped into the ring. She kept to the edge as she looked the heir over once more, gaining her bearings and steeling herself.

Artorias lowered himself into a fighting stance, and warned her not to hold back. She took in a deep breath in response, if she didn’t give everything but her all, he wouldn’t even feel it. While her physical strength and stature were underdeveloped her mind was not and it was easy enough to figure out some kind of physical assault to get him out of the ring wasn’t going to work, nor was she likely to land and kind of blow that was going to get him to submit. She was going to have to use his own size against him, somehow. Not that she would win even if she did perform perfectly.

Lilith stepped forward gracefully, her expression determined. Getting in close was a bad idea, staying at the edge was a bad idea, so she just started to circle around. Lil would try and come at him from the side suddenly, aiming to slide underneath his belly and confuse him as she raced out the other side and tried to get him to come after her.

Lillith vs Artorias for Spar
Round 1 of 2?
Age: 1+
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Defensive Battle Accessory: Jaguar fur coat
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Healer

Lillith Adravendi