
for you i will



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-13-2021, 06:46 PM
She thought a lot about what Chimera said that night, and how much she wanted to take away that burden from Dalila. She couldn’t really explain it, how the subtle differences in her feelings towards the woman had changed since that night. How the thought of what Chimera did to her made her stomach turn when her thoughts lingered for too long. How he’d looked at her before storming out of the den. She tried to put it all behind her, Chimera was unpredictable and it was his way goes. She learned that when she was young and it still held true, she’d let herself get too comfortable.

Siren looked away as her thoughts wandered, she returned her focus on the furs she was piling up. There had been many cullings in her herd over the winter, the beasts were harvested before any kind of decline was truly detectible in their thick pelts. Siren liked to keep them as mementos of the friends she made, but worth more than that was giving Dalila freedom from Chimera, or as much as she could manage.

The young princess was much more subdued in the following days as she collected, scraped, and gathered everything of value as she prepared. She didn’t know how she was going to get a slave, but Chimera said after a bundle of furs he’d gotten Dalila, surely she could do the same. What she worried about were the slavers themselves, how easy would it be coming up to gain a slave and then wind up captured herself. Even now as she and Dalila approached the slaver’s camp she was having second thoughts. Siren paused, far enough away they hadn’t garnered any attention. She was cloaked not wanting to bring any unwanted attention to herself. Through all of it, she still wished Chimera was there beside her.

”Alright,” she said softly, trying not to let the doubt linger in her voice but it remained. Siren was nervous, she didn’t doubt Dalila at all. She said she would protect her but Siren couldn’t help but feel like this was the blind leading the blind. What other choice did she have? She had to do this for Dalila.