
Show Me What I Can Not See



08-01-2013, 05:03 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2013, 07:01 PM by Imena.)

Days had passed now since her paws had crossed the borders of Valhalla. She had met Cormalin, Erani, and Demonio. But that was it on her list. She wonered who else might be in this pack, if there were any pups. She didn't even know her alphas yet. She needed to get to know the members of this pack that she would be caring for. She knew things were still busy after a flood that happened before she had joined the pack. Some areas still showed evidence of the flood. Now that summer was upon them, the heat would dry it all up. But for now, the heat would not come till later. The sun was just rising, a beautiful orange and pink sunrise. The dark shaded female sat on the small rise of land watching the sun, deep in thought. She needed to know her pack and knew that Erani was waiting to teach her.

Could she keep her sorrow under control? To bottle it up and make it undetectable? She hoped she could, it was still not time to tell them her story, retelling it would just be like rubbing salt in a wound. She didn't need it, nor did she think she could handle it. She might be able to heal other, be a pup's protector, but she could not heal her emotional and mental wounds. Only a certain someone could do that, if he was able to come close enough to her. For now though she would need to face the fact she was slowly letting her pack down by isolating herself from them. Sky blue eyes closed as head hung down. Deep breathes were took to build the courage she needed to face Erani and the alphas. She justed needed to remain calm. For long moments she sat there, locking away any emotion the others might find concerning. Just as the sun reached it peek on brillant glory of shedding it's first rays of the day down on the earth. A golden warm glow touched the shadows that had been there due to the night. A soft sommoning howl passed through the lips of Imena, calling forth Erani and the alphas. She would not mind if other high ranking wolves came, like Cormalin. The more she knew of who held rank over her the better, more so if the pack slowly would trickle in to show themselves. But something told her that Erani and the alphas would only show.

Now she waited, running over the things she might say to them. It was time Erani knew more about her and her skills. She needed to know her Alphas and the pack's state of being, how many members there were, who their allies were and enemies. If pups were in this pack, any thing of those likes she wished to know. For the pack and herself, it was time for her to step up and prove to be a great healer and den mother.
