
for you i will



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-14-2021, 04:59 PM

Dalila helped Siren load the furs and valuables they could take to offer in trade onto a travois and hauled the items for her as they drew closer to the slaver's camp. Coming back here brought back memories and emotions that she hadn't expected to remember or feel and an uneasiness settled on her as she watched the figures move in the distance when Siren stopped for a moment far enough away that they wouldn't be noticed yet. She had already felt lost and in an uncertain, dark place when she had been found and captured by those slavers. Without a master to serve she had gotten lost in the idea of freedom that she didn't understand how to process. She had barely put up much of a fight when they attacked her and when Chimera and Siren appeared to purchase her she felt like she had truly been saved in more ways than one. Would the woman they purchase today feel the same?

When Siren spot a soft "alright", Dalila shifted her gaze down to her lady, the nervousness she was trying to hide palpable to her, but only because she knew the smaller woman so well. She pulled a small, encouraging smile onto her lips as she lowered her head, gently tapping her nose against Siren's cheek. "I'm here for you, my lady. You're a princess and you were pleased with your previous purchase so you simply want to purchase another, right? Simple. I won't let them touch you." It was easy enough to say a script and vow her protection now, she just hoped they could maintain that confidence as they moved into the camp and began this process properly. She gave Siren another soft tap of her nose before she refocused on the camp ahead of them, adding, "Whenever you're ready, my lady."
