
Headed for a New Land




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
06-14-2021, 05:35 PM
Warm summer winds brushed through ashen gray and pale steel-blue fur as the young wolf traipsed leisurely along the hills surrounding the old ruins infested with foliage and herbs aplenty. Silvery eyes roamed the verdant fields and neighboring forests with idle curiosity, his nose twitching with each inhale as he sampled the scents of the land. Everything smelled fresh, floral, alive. He couldn't help but wonder if these were the same smells of summer his ancestors had sniffed, the same earth they had walked and traversed. Had they explored those woods to the east? Did they pick plants from amongst the old stone walls here? The fascination and curiosity was almost too much for the eager young lad as he walked through the crumbling ruins, his claws clacking softly against old stone.

As he wandered, looking at all the plant life that thrived in the overgrown ruins, he caught sight of a small bush of dark purple berries. His eyes lit up with delight; elderberries! He loved elderberries! Stepping up to the small shrub, the wolf popped a few of the currant-like berries off and into his mouth, enjoying the semi-sweet, slightly tart taste that danced over his tongue. It was familiar and gave him just a hint of the nostalgia from home. Ah, but this place... this was truly his home, was it not? Were these not the lands the Armada clan had once reigned over? Was he not in his ancestral home now, the last Armada to walk Boreas? He had to admit, it did give him a little feeling of grandeur to consider. His family had once been an important part of this world's history. Today would be the start of their return, beginning with him.

Wandering around to the north side of the ruins, Romulus paused to sit at the top of a hill, gazing out across the wide, expansive plains to the northwest and the massive stone structure that lay in the middle. The lands reeked of other wolves; a pack had taken up residence here, it seemed. It didn't matter much to the boy though as he sat and stared over the lands, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the lands he had heard so much about in the childhood stories his grandfather had told him time and time again.

"Romulus Armada"