
for you i will



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-14-2021, 07:55 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2021, 07:55 PM by Siren. Edited 1 time in total.)
This whole ordeal left her head spinning as she found herself struggling with the ethicacy of it all. She was raised for a long time to believe herself royalty, a pure Klein. A princess. When Siren was a child she was abandoned by her father and forgotten by her mother. She was wild and unkept, messy and untrainable. A far cry from the smooth well kept beauty she held today. Dalila had changed her life, she was pristine all of the time, she was looked after, there was hardly anything she could wanted and yet…

Dual toned eyes looked out over the camps before them, Siren trusted Dalila, but she didn’t feel quite as comfortable as when Chimera led her through. He was a strong commanding presence, she was everything they wanted in their product. She was made uncertain by what he had said to her, but Siren knew that Chimera would never harm her. If there was one thing she could predict it was that he would stay true to his word. He would never lay another paw on her.

Dalila encouraged her with a gentle touch to her cheek, Siren’s long lashed eyes looked up to the dappled woman as she reminded her what to say, how best to get through this. She was here, she wouldn’t let anyone touch her. Siren wanted Dalila for herself, she wasn’t comfortable sharing her servant with Chimera so the only solution had to be to provide another slave. There was a little guilt, but the cost of a stranger was worth having Dalila. She said she would keep her safe, and Siren put her life in the ivory marked woman’s paws. The girl took in a deep breath as she lifted her head proudly, she was a princess.

She leaned into Dalila’s affection, giving a slight nod towards her friend. She steeled herself and let her tiny pink paws carry her forward, leading Dalila as she waited to be seen by the dealer.
