
for you i will



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-14-2021, 10:35 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2021, 10:44 PM by Dalila. Edited 1 time in total.)

Dalila smiled softly when she saw Siren lifted her head with pride, giving her a small nod before watching her start to go forward on toward the camp and the wolves that awaited them there. She followed respectfully just behind Siren's shoulder, making it very clear that the beautiful princess was the head of this expedition, though she didn't lower her head as she often did. As uncomfortable and unusual as it was for her, she forced herself to let her clear blue gaze shift from wolf to wolf as they walked into the camp, not confrontational, but not shying away submissively either. She wasn't just Siren's servant today, she was also her protector.

There was a whole range of different wolves, all of them eyeing the pair of women curiously, some more bold in their examination of them than others. They waited near the edge of the camp until a large man approached them, unassuming in his gray and white coloring though he did bear several scars across his face and chest. He had dark amber eyes that shifted between the two women and gave their load of furs a glance before focusing his attention on Siren. "We don't take returns," he grumbled coldly with a slight glance toward Dalila. Her dappled coat was distinctive enough to be memorable even besides the fact that Chimera's attack on one of their own toward the end of the transaction made the whole ordeal stand out in their minds.

Eying the smaller woman, the scarred brute added, "Though with a load like that I'd assume you're here to buy?" Why else would the slave be pulling a sled full of furs? Without waiting for an answer he walked past her and took a moment to flip through some of the deer hides they brought. They were good quality and plush, though his cold, flat expression said nothing about what he was thinking. He gave a short "hm" before walking away from the furs, saying, "Follow me," without looking at the woman. He knew that he had his crew could take both of the women captive and sell them for a pretty penny or perhaps hold them for some kind of random since they reeked of a pack's scent, but he didn't exactly feel like risking having to deal with that massive male again.

He led them to a cave that receded back into a hillside and brought them to a woman who was bound with ropes and tethered to stakes in the ground. She was about the same size as Dalila though perhaps a tiny bit smaller and was russet and brown in coloring, yellow eyes looking up at the pair of them with uncertainty and desperation, glancing between them and the slaver. The male growled and the woman ducked her head, looking away from all of them to stare at the ground. He turned back toward Siren and Dalila with a raised brow. "Well?"
