
for you i will



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-15-2021, 06:43 AM
Siren took one more deep breath and started forward, taking Dalila’s confidence in her and projecting as best she could. She didn’t show well how nervous she really was, she couldn’t show weakness. Not here. Siren knew she would be relying heavily on the impression that Chimera left on them when the two of them had come in search of Dalila. Siren felt the confidence build in her with each step as the pair of them approached and were eventually greeted by a man that towered over Siren, not that this was an odd occurrence, there were few wolves not taller than the slim princess. She felt Dalila’s gaze shifting around them, like Siren the woman was projecting a much different persona than they normally wore.

The man focused on her, and Siren lifted her gaze to his eyes as he stated plainly that they did not take refunds. Siren didn’t react, though her brows did furrow in displeasure at the thought of giving her woman back. ”Yes,” she responded as he finally corrected himself. His attention shifted to the furs in the travois, that wasn’t all they had but unless he truly rifled through the materials he wouldn’t see the rest of it. As it was her small deer pelts were of the highest quality.

They were led forward and when they arrived at the merchandise Siren felt repulsed. She hadn’t felt this way the last time they were here. The woman they were led to was smaller than Dalila, but still larger than herself. She was bound, shackled, and her eyes had no spark. All Siren could do was see Dalila in her place. ”What else do you have to offer?” She didn’t want to see the other broken bodies he had for her, but she wanted whatever would keep Chimera happy. To replace the woman at her side. She tried not to let the guilt run through her as she hardened her gaze and looked up to the slaver.

"Siren Primrose Klein"